Virgin Media engineers keep trying to fix our broadband, but we haven’t asked for help

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It’s no wonder your reader in Cheshire can’t get any service from Virgin Media (Your Problems, last week). All its engineers are on our doorstep here in Essex. Despite never having requested a visit, nor having any fault, we have been deluged for three weeks with messages and visits from its engineers. If we cancel, it sends us another appointment for the next day and threatens a fine of £25 if we’re not in. We’ve cancelled about 13 appointments and had unannounced visits from at least six engineers. If this is a world managed by AI, then heaven help us!
EC, Colchester

USA credit cards

Virgin was on the phone to you with an apology within the hour after I queried its unwanted attentions. It blamed a “technical glitch” and has offered £90 for the “inconvenience”. If only providers were as responsive to real call-outs!

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