HMRC is charging me for a student loan that I have never had

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HMRC has been deducting £400 a month from my salary since July to repay a student loan. I have never had such a loan. It referred me to the Student Loan Company (SLC) which began an investigation. So far, £4,000 has been deducted, and SLC tells me it has referred £1,500 to a debt collection agency. My MP has contacted SLC without success. Action Fraud can’t help.
LM, London

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This has had a catastrophic effect on your finances and wellbeing. SLC managed to wind up its four-month investigation within a week of a press prod. It said: “We recognise LM has been a victim of identity theft. We have stopped all repayments and HMRC will issue a refund as soon as possible.” In taxman terms, unfortunately, that means up to six weeks.

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