I paid a Ulez charge, but got a £559 penalty and threats from bailiffs

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I’m a Cotswolds-based small business owner who, in August 2022, was in the process of opening a new site in London. I paid the ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) charge dutifully every time I needed to drive in, and I have the bank statements to prove it.

Despite paying the £27.50 on the morning of 29 August 2022, I received a Ulez penalty charge for that day. I disputed it and appealed.

Prior to receiving a decision, I began to get threatening letters from bailiffs, suggesting I could have personal items seized from my home.

They advised me to pay £559 immediately for the penalty charge, and their fee, all of which would be refunded if I won the appeal. I paid to avoid further distress.

At the beginning of September 2023 I received a summons claiming it remained unpaid.

Despite paying a solicitor to send off a signed affidavit, I am still receiving threatening letters.

JD, Oxon

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Leaving aside the question as to why a bailiff appointed by Transport for London was threatening to enter your home to take jewellery and so on without a court award, this case came down to the fact that you had seemingly inputted the wrong car registration number when you paid the charge – easily done if you are in a rush.

The car that you inadvertently paid for was also a grey BMW, which may have further confused matters.

Only after Guardian Money got involved was TfL able to find your original payment.

On the basis that you made a genuine attempt to pay the charges, it has cancelled the penalties and further outstanding charges. It has also refunded the money paid and apologised for the distress caused.

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In the meantime, we would suggest you set up auto pay if you plan to regularly drive into London – taking away the need to manually pay the charge.

Just remember to double-check the registration, and to end it when you sell the car.

We welcome letters but cannot answer individually. Email us at consumer.champions@theguardian.com or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number. Submission and publication of all letters is subject to our terms and conditions: http://theguardian.com/letters-terms

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